Developing, engineering, and commercializing
technologies for the process
and resource industries
Our Business Divisions
Our leading position in the field of Mononitrobenzene production resulted from an early breakthrough in the Adiabatic Nitration Process, for which we hold a family of patents.
Sulfuric Acid
NORAM provides innovative process technology, engineering and equipment to metallurgical, sulfur-burning and acid regeneration acid plants. NORAM’s equipment and systems, reduce environmental emissions, increase energy efficiency, increase capacity and improve plant reliability of plants of all scales around the world.
We specialise in developing and scaling up novel electrochemical processes. We have designed and engineered electrolyser systems for the energy storage, minerals processing, and organic synthesis industries.
Pulp & Paper
Our strategic focus is on adding value to forest products. We are industry leaders in System Closure methodologies that recycle mill waste streams, recover chemicals, and limit effluents and emissions.
Green Chemistry
NORAM brings a number of specific technologies to bear in the areas of renewable energy and sustainable chemical processes.
Our proprietary biological and hydrothermal processes are complemented by associate company Ecofluid Systems’ smaller-scale biological plants.
Years of Operation
Breakthrough Technologies
Professional Engineers
Global MNB Production

The NORAM Group is a vertically integrated portfolio of businesses. Services provided by NORAM include scale-up through engineering, R&D, pilot plants, demonstration plants, modular plants, custom fabrication, and site assistance.
Since 1988, we have built a global reputation for innovation and excellence in the supply of proprietary engineering and equipment packages to the chemical, pulp and paper, minerals processing, wastewater and electrochemical sectors. Our six specialized business groups have completed capital projects on five continents. We are recognized worldwide as a leader in the fields of nitration, sulfuric acid and electrochemistry.
In addition to carrying out large assignments for major multi-national clients and municipalities, NORAM works with early-stage technology companies. We provide engineering design and fabrication support, sharing our experience in technology commercialization, and growing with the company as a strategic stakeholder.
Our Alliances
Our reach is extended around the globe through key strategic relationships and industry alliances
From the News Room
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